Mens Feathers vs Abbeydale D, 13 Jan 2013

Abbeydale D  0 – 9  Mens Feathers

Simon O & Simon T | Tipue M A & Gavin B | David W & John W

Today’s excuse: Too chilly, too Sunday.

Abbeydale D, with an average age of approximately 15, made last week’s opponents look positively middle-aged.  In contrast, all our players are aged 50 (to the nearest 50), and were looking a bit less bouncy and more in need of an afternoon nap at half-past five on Sunday afternoon.

The two Simons looked both cold and asleep in the first game, and Aerohog was a little slow in getting its propellers whirring.  After losing the first end of the first game 19-21, Simon T declared himself sufficiently warmed up, and their joint improvement saw them go on to win all their games fairly comfortably after that.  Though the standard wasn’t their best – the spectators were asking for their money back… or at least they would have been if they’d paid any money to watch… or if indeed there actually were any spectators.

Tipue and Gavin made a more convincing start, in only the second match they’ve both been able to play this season.  Two straightforward victories were followed by a 21-8, 23-21 final game – apparently “they got better” in the second game but Tipue and Gavin kept just enough in reserve to avoid having to play a third game.  They finished with straight-set wins for a total of 128-91, and we hope to have them available as much as we can in the remainder of the season.

David and John were ready to make their mark on the season, and made short work of all three games, for a total of 126-84, not only winning their first feathers games of the season, but taking the team’s best scores in the process.  This is more the sort of form we were used to last season so hopefully this is a sign of more successful times to come!  Scientists are wondering if there is a correlation between snow and Walker-badminton-playing-excellence given how much of both we saw last year and the fact it snowed as we left the hall after this match.

So, save from the Simons’ slow start spoiling the scorecard, some solid shots saw us score strongly, this successful, snowy Sunday.  Say that speedily six times in succession.   😛

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